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Ovo Catherine Imoedemhe

Information about Ovo Catherine Imoedemhe at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Mrs Ovo Catherine Imoedemhe


Prior to joining the University of Bradford School of Law, Ovo has over 12 years experience of teaching and research at the Higher Education level both within and outside the UK. She was Lecturer in Law, Associate Lecturer/Tutor in different universities including being an Assistant Professor at the School of Business and Law at the Dar Al-Hekma University Jedda Saudi Arabia. With her extensive experience, Ovo is currently the module leader for International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law and the Foundations of Law and Skills in the Bradford School of Law.Ovo holds a PhD in Law, obtained from the University of Leicester in 2015. Her doctoral thesis on the national implementation of the complementarity regime of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was converted to a monograph and published in 2017. She is a member of several regional and international bodies including the Africa Union Law Research Network and African Society of International Law Her research focuses on the intersections and implementation of international criminal law at the domestic spheres, enforcement mechanisms within national criminal justice systems, including victims' protection, reparation and restorative justice, international human rights law, African Union Law, African development and entrepreneurial advancements...